Home away from Home


Our home for the next two weeks

Sunday June 23, 2024

We arrived here in Los Alamos on Friday and have the RV set up at Kamp Kolman. The truck is still rolling, but it’s very easy to hear a bad front wheel hub. I have spoken with the local repair shop and will take the truck to them on Monday morning.

Wish us luck!

Ironically, it was just a week or so ago I told Millie that the truck has 125,000 miles on it and the next preemptive work I will have done on the truck will be replacing the front wheel hubs. I would rather have had it done at home, because I have a repair shop in Myrtle Beach that I trust. (West Auto).

 Dave and RaeAnne have had work done at the shop here in Los Alamos and have been satisfied with their experiences. At this point I just have to hope for the best.

Life goes on in the Kolman household, Dave and RaeAnne both work, the kids are out of school for the summer, Evan has a summer job at the community center, Marcus is taking the summer off, except for his weekly violin lessons.
I have been getting acquainted with the Kolman Kats. Yesterday I was upstairs assembling a desk and both cats had to see what I was doing. I think they were more interested in the packing material from the shipping container. I made a “cat house” for them out of some carboard and that kept them occupied long enough that I could remove the Styrofoam packing, which they really liked to tear apart.
Oreo and Tippy

I left the cardboard house for the cats after I cleaned up, which I guess was a mistake because the boys were soon using it as a sled and sliding down the staircase on it. Such is life with two young boys.
aka Marus and Evan

Millie and RaeAnne took advance of the weekend and went on a Mother/daughter shopping excursion to Sante Fe on Saturday. 

Dave, who is an early morning runner had his first face to face encounter with a bear on the trail. When we were here several weeks ago he had his first trail encounter with a skunk. He survived both meetings unscathed!
I think I'd rather cross paths with the bear!

And so it goes!


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