PART ELEVEN-Martinsville and then homeward bound.

 Part ten August 21 2024


The rest of the trip was uneventful, we parked in one of the six transient pull-thru sites at Indian Heritage in Martinsville. After setting up the RV we drove to nearby Axton to check on the family cemetery. As far as we know no one in the family has been out there for a while. In addition, we have a new people cutting the grass. They live right across the street, but we had never met them. Millie has been in contact with the Kathy and she wanted to meet her. Millie had texted her and she and her future husband came over when they saw us pull up in the truck. 

Bray family cemetery

The landscaping as far as the grass cutting and trimming goes is in good shape. Millie is planning a workday in the fall to cut back some of the overhanging branches from trees on the property line. 

As I mentioned earlier in the blog, we would not be visiting either of Millies sisters this trip because of Covid outbreaks. So, we have an extra day here in Martinsville. We thought of going home a day early, but the site is paid for and we weren’t going to get a refund if we left. Besides, our schedule is always flexible, so we decided to have a fun day. We drove to Millie’s home place to see if the new owners had done anything to the house. 

The Walmart of farm supplies.

We went to Rural King, the Walmart for all things farming. We went to Belk’s, Goodwill, dollar Tree and the gas station. We went to Jerry’s for a giant-sized pizza, we ate it for three days! We laid around the RV, I wrote in the blog, Millie took a nap while playing puzzles on her iPad and slept so deeply I had to keep checking to make sure she was breathing! It was a good day.

We ate leftovers for two days!

We took a new route south around Greensboro; it was a few miles longer but completely avoided the freeway mayhem through Greensboro. From Asheboro on down we ran the same route we always take, we arrived back at the storage lot early in the afternoon, parked the trailer and were soon on our way home.

Dark blue route home


  1. In hindsight, we should have risked the covid outbreak at the nursing home and gone to visit Lucille. Shortly after we got home from this trip she suffered a stroke and has passed.


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